Thursday, 6 May 2010

title and ending screen

for the beguining title for this project as well as the ending credit was both done on flash and added to the front and end of the animation this was the final step in making the animation which will be uploaded shortly.

making the film!

ive imported all of the scenes and sounds into premier pro and using the dissolve funtion adding in a fade in and fade out to some of the scenes and to the beguinning and end. i will then procede to exporting the film when i will be finished!

editing the sound

edited the sound for each scene now using sound booth. took out all mistakes made by actor and got rid of as much background noise as i could useing the noise eliminator and by changing the volumes of different parts.

final scene rendered

Scene 4 is finally done and rendered all that is left to do now is edit and add the sound.

Scene 3 rendered

Scene 3 now rendered all done using the same methods discussed with scene 1 and 2.

Scene 1 Rendered

Scene 1 is now rendered and ready to have sound added to it this scene was done much in the same way as scene 2 with pivot points and set keys.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Scene 2 Rendered

Scene 2 is now rendered and ready to have sound added to it. the movements of the camera and of the characters is all done by moving the pivot points around and using set keys i did briefly play about with using the bone tools and either through my own lack of knowledge or the programs glitchy nature had alot of problems so gave up for a simpler approach.